Segments or Sections of Cloud Computing 

SaaS (Software As A Service)

The most broadly known and extensively used form of cloud computing.  It provides all the purposes of a classy traditional application to many customers and often thousands of users, but through a Web browser, not a “locally-installed” application.
  • SaaS removes customer concerns about application servers, storage, application development and related, common concerns of IT.
  • SaaS is a model of software deployment where an application is hosted as a service delivered to customers across the Internet.
  • SaaS is usually used to refer to business software rather than consumer software, falls under Web 2.0!
  • By eliminating the need to install and run an application on a user’s own computer it is seen as a way for businesses to get the same proceeds as commercial software with smaller cost expenditure.
  • Saas lessens the problem of software maintenance, support, but users surrender control over software versions and requirements.
Examples are, Google's Gmail and Apps, instant messaging from AOL, Yahoo and Google, and VoIP from Vonage, MS Live/Exchange Labs, IBM, Quicken Online, Zoho, Cisco  and Skype. 

  • Pay per use 
  • Instant Scalability
  • Security
  • Reliability
  • APIs

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